"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Monday, January 16, 2012

Please Help Stop The Keystone Pipeline Project

Granddaughters at Kittle Field, Stokes State Forest, NJ
  I have so many fond memories of Stokes State Forest. My Dad always told us stories about his time spent there when he was in the C.C.C. camp. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that this gas pipeline which has much more consequences on the environment than destroying the environment of Stokes and High Point State Parks, but also will affect the environment of the Delaware River. It all starts with the Marcellus Shale F racking in Pennsylvania. They keep talking Job$ to impre$$ the public. However, there can be job$ created in clean, green alternative energy $ource$.

The pipeline crosses underneath the Delaware River and Monksville Reservoir, potentially impacting drinking water supplies for millions of people.  In New Jersey, about 50% of the project is located on public lands including the Appalachian Trail, Stokes State Forest, High Point State Park, and Ramapo County Reservation.   If pushed through, this pipeline will destroy critical animal habitats, threaten our water supply, and clear cut forests on state land. 

Stokes State Forest, New Jersey
Please read this article, and see how important it is for you to sign the petition in the link below and/or attend the meeting on January 19, 2012 The Highlands Council is scheduled to vote on the pipeline plan at 4 p.m. Thursday at its headquar­ters, 100 North Road, Chester.NJ and voice your concerns.

Sunrise Mountain Look Out, Stokes State Forest

Petition to stop the gas pipe line from destroying New Jersey forest land as well as Appalachian Trail: https://secure3.convio.net/scnj/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1031

Stokes State Forest, New Jersey
 Tell our government that we want them to explore Renewable Green Energy Sources and stop this senseless destroying of our natural resources for financial gain!  http://www.energysavers.gov/renewable_energy/

The future of the lovely Endless Mountains in Pennsylvania.
Wow, isn't it uncanny how Billionaire Foster Friess has donated millions to the Super Pac supporting Pennsylvania's  former senator Rick Santorum's run for the GOP nomination for the Presidency in 2012.  Uncanny you ask, yes uncanny, as Foster Friess calls the E.P.A. the Employment Prevention Agency, because he is all for promoting Fracking for Natural Gas for the profit, no responsibility to protecting our environment.  Read more about this man, this member of the 1% who are buying our politicians their seats in governing the other 99% :http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/01/08/1052449/-Meet-Foster-Friess,-Billionaire-who-Bought-Iowa-for-Santorum

John Denver Sings About How Greed Is Destroying This World:

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