A pasto r from a websi te known as "God Save Ameri ca Again " has been e- maili ng me becau se of my blog, The Soul Felt It's Worth . He kept menti oning that God is the Word. I belie ve that God' s Word has been taint ed by man' s inter preta tion throu ghout the ages.
I decid ed to perus e this preac her' s websi te and found them promo ting a book calle d, " Ameri ca, Free, White , and Chris tian" .
The follo wing is an e- mail I sent to him:
" Ameri ca, Free, White , and Chris tian" This is a book on your websi te.
I find this appal ling. What would Chris t do?
First of all the bible as we know it has been trans lated , revis ed, and altho ugh origi nally was the word of God it is falli ble. The oldes t survi ving manus cript s must be the most relia ble? ? ? ? There fore, when deter minin g what manus cript s to depen d on, the Vatic anus (350 AD) and the Sinai ticus ( about 350 AD) shoul d be accep ted as corre ct ( even if 998 other manus cript s disag ree with them) .
The Sinai ticus is extre mely unrel iable , prove n by exami ning the manus cript itsel f. John Burge on spent years exami ning every avail able manus cript of the New Testa ment. He write s about the Sinai ticus : "On many occas ions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropp ed throu gh very carel essne ss.
Lette rs, words or even whole sente nces are frequ ently writt en twice over, or begun and immed iatel y cance led; while that gross blund er, where by a claus e is omitt ed becau se it happe ns to end in the same words as the claus e prece ding, occur s no less that 115 times in the New Testa ment."
You may say, this is Burge on's inter preta tion, and my point exact ly, was he inspi red by God?
So to follo w every word liter ally, and not pray for other guida nce is irres ponsi ble in sprea ding the good news Chris t came to conve y.
Secon dly, When King James sent the Purit ans to Ameri ca it was becau se there were relig ious tensi ons in Great Brita in betwe en Prote stant s, Catho lics, and Purit ans. He did it to get rid of them, and compe te with the Spani sh to conqu er the New World . He was known as havin g visio ns of grand eur anoin ted by God.
The only true Ameri can is not white .
What happe ned to the peopl e that GOD put on the land, now known as Ameri ca is a terri ble sin. What would Jesus do? Was this sprea ding His messa ge of LOVE, pure uncon ditio nal LOVE?
Read the follo wing and let it sink in...
http: / / www. unite dnati veame rica. com/ burea u/ index . html
" White " Our foref ather s broug ht to Ameri ca, unwil ling slave s, that they bough t, and used as one would use a tract or, the same foref ather s who are idoli zed by many.
Own a slave , What would Jesus do?
It is absol utely nause ating to see how so many truly good peopl e can lead so many astra y in the name of Chris t.
Do you truly belie ve you are Savin g peopl e, by judgi ng other s? If you are follo wing the commandment made by Chris t, " Love God your fathe r with all your heart and soul, and your neigh bor as yours elf. " there is no room for self right eousn ess, exclu ding any race, relig ion, belie f, or natio n. We are to love them despi te our diffe rence s, and GOD will do the rest. Love, and Let go, and let God do His work. HE can, HE reall y can.
I decid
The follo
I find this appal
The Sinai
You may say, this is Burge
So to follo
The only true Ameri
What happe
Read the follo
Own a slave
It is absol
Do you truly
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
You came from Africa,that is where God gave you to live.America was made for white Europeans.Slavery brought you over here wrongly,by a foolish white,although there were black slave owners too.The North had slaves also.
ReplyDeleteThat book just shows the truth and the way it was in America.If you don't love America,stop whining and go live in Africa where God intended for blacks to live.I don't go live in Africa and complain and demand my white rights!