"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life's Lessons

Over the years I had participated in multiple classes facilitated by a few Adult and Continuing Education programs. Each year I would look forward to whatever new class fancied my desire to learn something new. One class in particular stands out as the most valuable lessons that have stuck by me through many life altering situations, such as the death of family members, divorce, marriage, friendships, and even in political affiliations.

The class name was "Taking It To The Limit", the teacher Dr. Gwen Roquemore, PHD, facilitated by Warren County Adult and Continuing Education. I actually took Dr. Gwen's course two years in a row, and we became close friends.

Dr. Gwen, taught me to believe in myself, and my God given abilities. She provided me with many tools to use in creating a more fulfilling life, taking it to the limit! She had us create a list of goals to be achieved. We wrote these on a post card with our address on the opposite side. In one year I had achieved them all.

We created an image book with photos of life experiences we wished to see into fruition. I had photos of a husband, and complete family participating in family events. I had a photo of a cruise ship, and another of an author. Just five years later I was married, and we went on a honeymoon cruise. I now have a complete extended family and we participate in many family oriented events. I have written a book, had it published, and presently wrapping up the second, which is already under contract to be out by the Spring of 2012.

Along with prayer, meditation, positive affirmations, and action, I can create the life I want to have. There are two affirmations that stand out from them all, the first being; "If is to be, it is up to me." The other is this;”Never allow anyone to create feelings in you that are not enhancing, enlightening, and empowering."

We are so easily led down the wrong path by others who do not have anyone's best interest at heart than their own. Their negative, unwanted input into our agenda for peace and empowerment so easily set us off the path toward empowered living.

When we allow their negativity to affect our mood, or self-perception we give them power. "I will no longer allow anyone to create feelings in me that are not enhancing, enlightening, and empowering."

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