"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mr.Madison, What A Crock!

What a crock! I am sick of this kind of  propaganda passed around to mislead others. It isn't the redistribution of the wealth.  It is the fact that the 1% systematically pulled the rug out from under the very workers who helped develop America as a leader of the industrialized world when NAFTA was put into place, and now the unions have been dismantled for the few who are left with jobs in manufacturing. The laws they passed to run our elections and allow the 1% to fund their candidate of choice without disclosure, the bills to cut spending on education.  They saw to it that the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and health institutions are wealthier than ever because of the way they infiltrated the average former middle class household.  The Oligarchy made sure that the former middle class working family is now dumbed down, drugged up, and piss poor! Soon the USA will be the new Third World Country on the list of many! I am hoping that the masses will stop walking the plank with their eyes wide open and stop the two major parties in their tracks. Vote third party and RePeace America! As for the forefathers, they carried muskets not AK47s, most of the bills that have been passed in recent years would have been an abomination in their eyes! The Constitution has been bent so out of shape by those who loosely interpret it that it is now perfectly legal to flip off a police officer! This nation is so different than it was in 1776 that there is much room for change! As for James Madison, if he were to address Barrak Obama, he would have been wondering why he wasn't in his fields plowing as he grew up in a slave-owning family and owned slaves all his life. In 1833  he sold several of his farms but not his slaves. He did not free his slaves in his will.  He did not get his wealth on his own either!

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