"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Much To Do About Nothing -Political Bashing!

 Much to do about nothing, the truth about the latest comments of Hillary Rosen.  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/election-2012/hilary-rosen-the-democratic-strategist-ann-romney-worked-a-day-life-article-1.1060421

Ms. Rosen doesn't work for the DNC at all, not even a consultant, just a former pundit at CNN in 2008.  The First Lady refuted the comment, as did real representatives of the DNC.  However I believe she was referring to the fact that Mrs. Romney never had to really financially struggle like millions of stay at home moms do on a daily basis because of the lack of the second, oh so necessary income that most households experience when the mother chooses to stay at home and thus she would be out of touch with the masses of stay at home moms.  

It is rather irrelevant that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney could use his wife as a comparison to the REAL stay at home moms.

It also goes without saying that the media have jumped on the band wagon in outing Foster Friess the GOP super PAC donor for stating that he hopes that Obama's Teleprompters are bulletproof.  I really hate all this muck raking in the media.  

The real issues are overlooked, and right now I am totally disgusted with both major parties that are merely puppets to men like Foster Friess and Corporate Personhood.  

Before the hate mongers jump all over my comment about Corporate Personhood, I would like to state that I do believe in the Free Enterprise System, and admire the ingenuity of many an American like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Walt Disney.  However, I do not like the way Capitalism has gotten out of hand and created Monster Companies and Banks that have swallowed up the Middle Class American. I also hate how Big Corp have taken over the food industry and made America sick, and Big Corp has created reasons for medication through the media, and Big Pharma and Big Insurance Companies benefit while the paychecks of the working class Americans continuously shrink!

Watch this: Ronald Reagan on Taxes: 

Choose a Third Party and let  your conscience be your guide!



  1. Nice commentary, tone...and nice page..
    Keep up your good work...bit by bit, small steps at time and change will happen..

  2. Thank you Steve, your comment is greatly appreciated!
