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Trickle Down Theory-Trickle Down Blame |
The name of this sign is Trickle Down Blame! This mess started when they took away the Gold Standard, the inception of NAFTA, and the Shock and Awe of 2003 "Trillion$" and thousands of lives. Can you imagine if you moved into a filthy run down home, and an old friend showed up and thought you were the one who made the mess? However I am still not convinced that either of the major party players have our best interest at heart. Discerning the evidence, they are both Big Corp Puppets.
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GOP Disseminated Tainted Photo |
Here is a site that lists his achievements while in office: http://obamaachievements.org/ I might add that to my knowledge he has made some decisions that do not say clean energy in any way shape or form (Drilling and Pipeline), he has appeased the Big Corp insurance companies with his health care reform, and if he truly has overhauled our food safety system there would no longer be GMO fruits and vegetables, pink slime, aspartame (affects the neurological system) in so many things including the majority of chewing gum, hormone injected beef cattle, hormone injected milk producing cattle, and on and on. Then again none of the GOP candidates have done anything to stop Big Corp from destroying our nation and world.
The Financial State of this country did not happen in the past four years. I also can not understand what has happened to the conscience of the average American who may be more concerned over tax dollars spent on improving the infrastructure and helping the unemployed, under employed, education, and the indigent of this nation, yet disregard the trillions spent by the previous administration on protecting the "Oil Baron Interests" in the Middle East.
President Obama has also made some decisions that I do not approve of, but understand that the majority of Americans think are right. I am not pro choice, but I consider that an issue between me and my God.(GOP Judge Harry Blackmun made abortion legal during the GOP President Nixon administration). I also believe more education in self esteem, and decision making is needed. So much money spent on protecting "Oil Interests" in the Middle East while millions of Americans are self medicating with drugs and alcohol. If our nation is at risk; Big Pharma is more dangerous than Muslims, Illegal Immigrants, and the only terrorists are those selling Heroin to our kids.
What is creating this need for so many pharmaceuticals to medicate the mind? Could Chemtrails be real? I am truly beginning to wonder?
Check out this article by Lara Starr:
Chemtrails are a proven FACT. They are not a myth, and they are no longer just a 'conspiracy theory'.
There are hundreds of Scientists, whistle-blowers and other intellectuals, who have dedicated their careers, their reputations and even their lives to educating the public about their existence. The US Government and other Governments under NATO have been experimenting with 'crop dusting' the public since 1945 and they can no longer fully hide it.
The main reasons they spray are for 'classified experimentation', weather modification, secret public inoculations and to control the populations of MANY species including our own. All over the world there are Scientists who regularly test rainwater.
On days with heavy Chemtrail activity they have found Aluminum Oxide Particles, Arsenic, Barium Salts, Barium Titanates, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells, Ethylene Dibromide, Enterobacter Cloacal, Enterobacteriaceae, Human white Blood Cells, (a restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA) Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Methyl Aluminum, Morgellons, Mold Spores, Mycoplasma, Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass, Nitrogen Trifluoride, Nickel, Polymer Fibers, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Florescens, Radioactive Cesium, Radio Active Thorium, Selenium, Serratia Marcscens, Sharp Titanium Shards, Silver, Streptomyces, Stronthium, Sodium Fluoride, Sub-Micron Particles (Containing Live Biological Matter), Uranium, Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins and MANY others.
They have even found viruses, vaccines and unidentified bacteria! The question is no longer IF, or WHAT are they spraying but WHY.
By: Lara Starr
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Let's replace the names of the countries with elements of degradation of this nation |
Remember the Domino Theory of the sixties? Well the dominoes are falling right here within our very own boundaries!
NAFTA///Outsourcing of American Jobs////Government Smashing Unions////Unemployment/Underemployment//// Trillions spent on Mideast Wars////Bankruptsy/Foreclosure////Subprime Mortgage Fiasco/Bank Bailouts////Food Safety infiltrated by Big Corp////Illicit Drug and Alcohol Dependence////Big Insurance Corp take over health care////Big Pharma infiltrate American psyche
Violence (in fact violence is one of the issues)is not the answer to overcoming all of these detrimental issues at hand, we need to show the two major parties that there is a third party that stands up for the masses. Vote third party this November! Protest Peacefully. Ghandi made a difference with Peace, and we can too!
I support Jill Stein for President for the Green Party!
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