"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Poem From My Daughter Jamiann's Mother-In-Law

"HOLIDAYS" - A Christmas Poem 
                                                      by Pat R.

Once a year as our earth goes to sleep, Like the bears' hibernation for a long winter's keep, We ponder the fruitfulness of a year tirelessly spent, Tilling, planting, harvesting, and wonder where it went.

Time speeds by a year or two, five and more, And all we have that's worthwhile is what we store.

Are we storing up life's treasures like the grains in the bin, To be able to access them when our vigor runs thin?

Then the holidays come upon us, sometimes joyful, sometimes sad. Our thoughts return to days gone by when more times were glad.

Holidays, holidays, people rushing to and fro. Sometimes in such a hurry, they're forgetting where to go.

GO to that quiet place inside us where peace is always sought, Instead of just the worldly where everything is bought.

Then before we know it the celebrating is done, And we try to remember only all that was fun.

But that's not what is lasting and making us grow. It's the seeds of service and gratitude that we did sow, In visiting that old and lost someone living all alone, Or living in some nursing home because family is gone.

LIVE a life that's full of love, and make it serve mankind, And you will reap such great rewards that most will never find.

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