"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lightning Strikes As Signs From God

I am not Catholic but my daughter, her husband and four of my grandchildren are Catholic. His late uncle devoted his entire life as a priest and service to the poor, as well as his aunt a nun who started up a home for unwed mothers as so they would not choose abortion. My son-in-law's mom is an extremely devoted Christian woman who prays many times each day, and devotes much time to "Right to Life" causes. My daughter's paternal grandmother was a lovely devoted Catholic woman who was good and kind and lived to be 100 years old. 

I dislike seeing derogatory comments about this elderly physically ill Pope resigning and the fact that lightning happened to strike that day. There are approximately 40,000 storms with over 8 million lightning strikes all over this world on a daily basis and the statue of Christ that stands above Rio has been hit a multitude of times, because lightning always hits the highest object and that is that!

There are good and bad people in all the world's religions, and if God was going to make a statement with lightning perhaps he would have struck down all the self righteous Christians I have seen online multiple times for their judgmental attitudes and not so loving comments...like the hateful words of Westboro Baptist Church.

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