"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inquiring Minds Want To Know...

I was lying in my warm cozy bed this morning debating on whether I wanted to get out because it was so cold outside the covers. As I lay there my mind wandered from one subject to another. First I was thinking of animals outside in the cold, which led to friends who have chickens, and wondering if their hen houses were insulated. Then my mind wandered to the chickens Kate Gosselin had, and wondered if she still had them... which led to thinking of how she is getting by in their huge mansion now that she is a flash in the pan???? 

My mind then went to the thought of wondering what she thinks of Honey Boo Boo as being the next Big thing in reality TV???? 

“Fame is a fickle food - Upon a shifting plate” Emily Dickinson 

As for the chickens they can withstand cold as long as it isn't damp.http://www.motherearthnews.com/ask-our-experts/chickens-and-cold-weather-zb0z10zblon.aspx

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