"I guess my feet know where they want me to go walking on a country road." James Taylor

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Voting Green Party November 6th

This is from my son-in-law Mike:

  • I posted this to my wall as one of my normal political rants, but I thought this one was so important that I'd personally send it to some of my favorite political chatters online in case you missed my wall. Even if you don't totally agree, please consider sharing with anyone you know who leans 3rd party.
    I think I finally have an OUTSTANDING argument for you to vote Green Party (or another 3rd party) on November 6th. I'd like to think ALL my arguments were good over the past year that I've been so heavily on this bandwagon, but this one I think answers your final concerns. Ok, I'll admit. Even though it is mathematically possible, the chances of enough Americans having a "coming to Jesus" moment to miraculously get Jill Stein in office on November 6th are quite slim. So therefore, the skeptics' argument to me is "don't waste your vote and vote for the lesser of two evils." Well, here's ANOTHER reason your vote is not wasted. If a third party gets 5% of the national vote on November 6th, that will give them $20+ million in federal matching funds in the next major election. And unfortunately, we know that the only reason Obama or Romney will be our next President is because they have $$. An extra $20+ million would be HUGE in getting a Green candidate actually elected in the near future. But even if we don't make 5%, then 3% would be the best independent party showing in recent history, which would also get us more on the map by the media. And again, what's the second most important thing after money? The media. So YOUR VOTE IS NOT WASTED even if Stein/Johnson/Anderson/Goode/Barr/etc. don't win! There. Do you feel better now? VOTE THIRD PARTY and tell Romney and Obama to forget it.

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