I could say all those same things about George W. Bush and his Trillion $$$$$$$$$$ war in Iraq. There are many who did not want us to be there including Sen. Ron Paul. What a shame the GOP voters didn't give Ron a chance in 2008!
George transformed our nation into militarism under the guise of freedom. The real reasons for such aggression was the deep pockets of Halliburton!
Treating us like serfs began with NAFTA and GHW Bush, also Clinton rewrote it. Both Major Parties are BOUGHT.
Out of good conscience I am voting Third Party/Green Party. Yes, I realize there is a snow balls chance in hell of Jill Stein winning, but my conscience will be clean that I did the right thing, because the writing is already on the wall, Big Corp will win, they have all the money, and now a days the one with the most money buys the election. After all Congress even approved it! Congress is made up of both major parties!
Just like the election in Egypt, after all the blood shed in trying to free themselves of tyranny the majority voted for the same old form of government they had always had. I may sound cynical, but actually I am pragmatic.
George transformed our nation into militarism under the guise of freedom. The real reasons for such aggression was the deep pockets of Halliburton!
Treating us like serfs began with NAFTA and GHW Bush, also Clinton rewrote it. Both Major Parties are BOUGHT.
Out of good conscience I am voting Third Party/Green Party. Yes, I realize there is a snow balls chance in hell of Jill Stein winning, but my conscience will be clean that I did the right thing, because the writing is already on the wall, Big Corp will win, they have all the money, and now a days the one with the most money buys the election. After all Congress even approved it! Congress is made up of both major parties!
Just like the election in Egypt, after all the blood shed in trying to free themselves of tyranny the majority voted for the same old form of government they had always had. I may sound cynical, but actually I am pragmatic.
Now if only he would keep his promise!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Good Bye Rush,
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
There will be many who read this and will say, "Oh no not me, I will revolt before I allow any of this!" Well I say, "Good for you if you really have such conviction." However, I would bet that many who say this will be on the next plane to Costa Rica with Rush once the shit hits the fan! And after all the tears and blood shed the majority will vote for either a Republican or Democrat once again! I wonder how many will have the REAL courage to bail out on those two major parties this year? There is no need for the kind of courage to hold a rifle, one just needs the kind of courage to change your party, and vote them out! That is the American way, that is the Democratic way!
Violent Dissent is not the answer:
"I know not with what
weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought
with sticks and stones. "~ Albert Einstein